Andrew Luecke, born 1983 is a freshly graduated Computer science student from Melbourne, Australia who currently works at Pentagon Digital in Victoria. While his work involves everything and anything, he also does a lot of programming projects on the sidelines, amongst other things. He is currently looking for sponsors for this project, and possibly larger companies to collaborate with (companies that deal with Operating systems and do a lot of internet or network based solutions would greatly benefit).
To contact him, he is available at, and on The official resonance web-page. He can also often be found moping around various irc chat channels and the jabber server.
Some projects he has helped with in the past includes:
Driver On Demand, a developmental method of automatically fetching drivers for devices in linux as they are plugged in, to allow a true form of 'plug and play'. Unfortunately however, due to the decision to speed up the kernel development cycle, which allowed drivers to be added to the kernel sooner, it soon became obsolete.
SLSSR (Slightly Less Stupid Software Repository), an entirely modular system designed as a university project to allow teachers/lectures to easily mark and manage students work, and track plagiarism, while allowing new features to be easily added into the system without system downtime.
Beagle, a system which allows instant searching for linux (similar to Apple's spotlight and google desktop search). I developed a midi filter which still needs a bit of bug testing before it goes mainstream.