Site has left Developmental stage, 18/4/05
The site has been updated to allow me to easily modify the documents, and has been changed to allow the information to be read more easily, without the need to squint at the text. I have also changed some of the concepts, and added more security information. Furthermore, I have finally started minor advertising of the resonance concept, instead of keeping the concept quiet. Feel free to talk in the forums all. I guess a few may also be happy to know that I have finally started the long process of programming resonance.
The New Site is Online, 4/4/05
Finally, the new site is online, and the whitepaper has been updated to include diagrams to explain the concept better. The site design however is temporary, and will be organised better soon. Eventually it will all be shifted to a CSS based design, and thats the next step required before I consider this page ready to promote the Resonance concept. Otherwise, I consider the whitepaper mostly complete, but expect more additions, and for more specific details to be added. Stay tuned for more.